Repair (USB) Pen drive
Pen drive is a most useful device to transfer files like mp3, software and so on. In some cafe they have good antivirus but not in all cafe. Using pen drive in cafe lead to file corruption and data loss, but people doesn’t have internet connection and printer can’t avoid it.
Follow the following Steps to Repair Pen drive by Error Checking Method
- Right Click Pen Drive and Select Properties
- Select Tools and Click Check now under Error – Checking
- Select both “Automatically fix file system errors” and “Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors” check boxes and click Start.
- Wait for the scan to Complete and then click Close.
Steps to Show hidden files to scan and delete
- Type CMD in run to command prompt.
- Type your drive letter F:
- Then enter this command in cmd attrib -h -r -s /s /d g:\*.*
- Now all of your hidden files will be visible, and then scan your pen drive with your Antivirus. It will remove all infected files from your USB.
Not recommended but important. Format your pen drive before it affects yours system.