
Roast Chicken with Apricot & Mint Stuffing


  • 1 whole chicken with skin 

    1 Tbsp butter 

    Salt and pepper 

    For the stuffing:

    200 gm dried apricots soaked in diluted tea overnight 

    1 Tbsp spring onion paste 

    1 Tbsp butter

    4 Tbsp fresh, soft bread crumbs 

    Grated rind of 1 lemon 

    1 egg 

    Salt and pepper 

    1 Tbsp shredded mint
  • Method

    For making the stuffing:

    Melt butter in a saucepan.

    Add onion paste & cook for 3 minutes.

    Drain apricots. Remove stones & chop coarsely. Add to the pan and continue cooking for 3 minutes more.

    Turn off the heat; add the lemon rind & breadcrumbs. Season well and cool.

    Add the mint & enough egg to bind mixture into a soft paste.

    Final preparation:

    Fill cavity of the chicken with paste before roasting.

    Stuff the chicken with apricot filling.

    Tie the joints close to the body.

    Set the bird in a tray and pour over the well-flavored stock.

    Spread the breast of the bird with 1 tbsp softened butter.

    Roast in a pre-heated oven for 1 hour or until well colored and the flesh is tender when pierced in the thigh.

    Set aside for 15 minutes before removing strings and carving.